BioTech Bidon 750 ml

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Brand: BioTech
Product code: x000568 - 14210

Sports bottle Bidon 750 ml. Transparent measuring strip, well-sealing cap. Fits most bottle holders. Elegant and modern design.

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BioTech Bidon 750 ml - Description


  • 750 ml capacity
  • scales up to 600 ml
  • comfortable soft plastic mouthpiece
  • well-sealing cap
  • elegant modern design
  • transparent measuring strip
  • suitable for most bottle holders

A softer type of plastic has been used in the manufacture of the cap and mouthpiece. The result is a perfect fit between screw cap, mouthpiece and bottle. This unique innovation completely prevents water leakage.

BioTech Bidon 750 ml - Other

Producer: BioTech USA Kft., Huszti út 60, 1033 Budapest, Maďarsko, VAT: HU25114681,

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