Ekolife Natura Liposomal B Complex 150 ml (Liposomal B-complex)
A premium product containing a bioactive form of B vitamins in the form of liquid liposomes.
Ekolife Natura Liposomal B Complex 150 ml (Liposomal B-complex) - Description

B vitamins are water-soluble substances whose properties are related to energy metabolism and the production of cellular energy ATP.
In contrast, the liposomal form offers excellent absorption. In addition, the liposomal form significantly reduces the risk of gastrointestinal problems associated with traditional supplementation, a bonus for all ages!
Theliposomal blend combined with B complex offers a highly absorbable formula without artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, or genetically modified ingredients.
Professor Dr. Borut Štrukelj, M.Sc. (Department for Pharmaceutical Biology at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Ljubljana) confirms that the liposomal method is an advanced pharmaceutical technology that allows the active ingredient to be better protected in the digestive tract, absorbed better and faster, and thus reach high blood concentrations.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) contributes to:
- Normal energy metabolism
- Normal nervous system function
- Normal mental function
- Normal heart function
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) contributes to:
- Normal energy metabolism
- Normal nervous system function
- normal mucous membranes
- normal red blood cells
- normal skin
- normal eyesight
- Normal iron metabolism
- Protecting cells from oxidative stress
- Reducing the rate of fatigue and exhaustion
Vitamin B3 (niacin) contributes to:
- Normal nervous system function
- Normal mental function
- normal mucous membrane condition
- normal skin condition
- Reducing the rate of fatigue and exhaustion
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal) contributes to:
- Normal cysteine synthesis
- Normal energy metabolism
- Normal nervous system function
- Normal homocysteine metabolism
- Normal protein and glycogen metabolism
- Normal mental function
- Normal red blood cell production
- rate of fatigue and exhaustion
- Regulating hormonal activity
Vitamin B7 (biotin) contributes to:
- Normal energy metabolism
- Normal nervous system function
- Normal macronutrient metabolism
- Normal mental function
- normal hair condition
- normal mucous membrane condition
- Maintaining normal skin condition
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) contributes to:
- Normal energy metabolism
- Normal nervous system function
- Normal homocysteine metabolism
- Normal mental function
- Normal red blood cell production
- Reduction of fatigue and exhaustion
Vitamin BT (choline) contributes to:
- Normal homocysteine metabolism
- Normal lipid metabolism
- Maintaining normal
- function

The main benefit of using liposomes for micronutrient transport is that the liposomes themselves are not disturbed in any way by the digestion process as they pass through the digestive tract
. Inthe case of conventional food supplements, the body often breaks down many complex molecules before they are absorbed, or simply does not absorb them easily enough, or subsequently metabolises and degrades them by the liver, so that the overall availability is greatly reduced.
In contrast, liposomes are easily absorbed due to their stability and ideal size. But that's not all. There is also a difference in the faster route by which liposomes enter the bloodstream and the cell. Thanks to their specific molecular form, liposomes are absorbed via the lymphatic system, where they pass directly into the bloodstream via the so-called thoracic lymph duct. In a subsequent step, they are absorbed into all cells via so-called passive diffusion.
This is the difference toconventional supplements containing vitamins and minerals, which enter the liver in the first step, where they are metabolised and only then enter the bloodstream.
However, liposomes go even further in terms of absorption. They help to transport active molecules directly into cellular processes where micronutrients are required in large quantities.
Thephospholipid bilayer of the liposome is able to fuse with other bilayers, such as the cell wall itself - and in this way the contents of the liposome (vitamins or other beneficial substances) are then transported directly into the cells.
Ekolife Natura is a very dynamic and successful company from Slovenia, specializing in premium liposomal vitamins, liposomal chelated minerals and liposomal nutrient formulations proven in clinical studies. The company was founded in 2007 by nutritionists, sisters Tjaša and Tajča Pavček. Their huge motivation is their interest in healthy living, educating themselves, sharing information and most importantly, being both moms of three children. Before creating each new product, they ask themselves - would we give it to our children? We couldn't have found a better guarantee of quality. Ekolife Natura's liposomal vitamins are the absolute top of the range in terms of absorbability and usability by the body. The unique technology of liposomes allows the active substances to be transported directly to the cells, so that the vitamins achieve the maximum possible effect in the body.
It is a dietary supplement.
Ekolife Natura Liposomal B Complex 150 ml (Liposomal B-complex) - Dosage
- 5 ml daily directly into the mouth, or add to a glass of water or juice
- pack contains 30 doses
Ekolife Natura Liposomal B Complex 150 ml (Liposomal B-complex) - Values
Number of doses per pack: 30 x 5 ml | 5 ml = 1 dose (% RHP) |
Vitamin C | 45 mg (55 %) |
Vitamin B3 | 16 mg (100 %) |
inositol | 5 mg |
vitamin B5 | 5 mg (100 %) |
choline | 5 mg |
paraaminobenzoic acid (PABA) | 2,5 mg |
vitamin B2 | 1,4 mg (100 %) |
vitamin B6 | 1,5 mg (100 %) |
vitamin B1 | 1,1 mg (100 %) |
vitamin B9 (folic acid) | 400 mcg (100 %) |
vitamin B7 | 0,05 mg (100 %) |
vitamin B12 | 7,5 mcg (300 %) |