Extrifit Key ring

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Brand: Extrifit
Product code: x000792 - 06447

Original key ring with logo and Extrifit inscriptions. Available in two colours - white-orange and black-orange. Detachable plastic clasp with key part. Carabiner for keys, flash drive, cell phone and other items to hang.

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Extrifit Key ring - Description

  • dimensions: 58,3 x 2 cm
  • key ring material: textile and light alloy


  • one side - alternating stripes of orange and white with Extrifit logo and website
  • other side - white background with smaller Extrifit logos
  • between clasp and carabiner orange

Black and orange

  • one side - alternating stripes of orange, white and black with Extrifit logo and website
  • other side - black background with large Extrifit logos
  • between clasp and carabiner black

Extrifit Key ring - Other

Producer: JIROUT REKLAMNÍ AGENTURA s.r.o., Průmyslová 495, 533 01 Pardubice - Černá za Bory, Česká republika, obchod@jirout.com

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