Feneis' Pictorial Dictionary of Anatomy

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Feneis's pictorial dictionary of anatomy.

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Feneis' Pictorial Dictionary of Anatomy - Description

Feneis's Pictorial Dictionary of Anatomy has become a true concept in more than 30 years. The current 9th edition, completely revised by Prof. Wolfgang Dauber, successfully continues the tradition of previous editions. All anatomical concepts are explained in words and pictures in a short, concise and precise manner.

In this edition, the latest valid terms established by FCAT (Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology) have been used for the first time and this new Terminologia Anatomica has thus become the basis for more than 1250 technical terms. Over 8,000 terms are defined precisely and concisely in the book, and at least once the term is plotted on over 800 anatomical illustrations; clarity is enhanced by two-color printing.

The book is an ideal reference for exam preparation or when you need to quickly clarify an anatomical concept.

The book is extremely useful and important for students of medicine and dentistry, physicians, scientists, and all those who need knowledge of correct anatomical technical concepts for their work.

The original publication is published by Georg Thieme Verlag. It has been accurately translated and adapted to the new anatomical nomenclature by Prof. MUDr. R. Čihák, DrSc. and Prof. MUDr. M. Grim, DrSc.

It turns out that knowledge of anatomical terms is becoming essential in clinical practice again and its flawless use is a proof of good erudition of a physician. The publication also serves very well as a pocket atlas of human anatomy. Translated from the German original "Feneis´Bild-Lexikon der Anatomie" (9th German edition), from which the 5th English version entitled "Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy: Founded by Heinz Feneis" is based.

Date of publication: 12 February 2007

Format / pages: 144×207, 548 pages


Feneis' Pictorial Dictionary of Anatomy - Other

EAN: 9788024714561

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