Fitness manual for women

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Product code: 00585

Fitness manual for women - exercise in the fitness center.

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Fitness manual for women - Description

The publication is intended for women of all ages as a guide for exercising in fitness centres, but it will also be used by fitness trainers and physiotherapists. When designing fitness programmes for women, it is necessary to accept their biological and psychological specifics, which are described in the introduction of the book.

A separate chapter is devoted to weight reduction, which is the most common motivation for women to exercise. In the practical part, the readers will find a description of 65 exercises suitable for women, instructions on how to build an exercise unit, as well as warnings about mistakes and inappropriate exercises they may encounter during exercise.

The author also focuses on physical activity during pregnancy, transition, and beyond. Dietary modification is also a prerequisite for achieving planned exercise goals, so readers will also find important insights into nutrition programs designed specifically for women, in relation to the exercise program.

About the Author

Stacke Daniela

A graduate of physiotherapy, specializing in somatopsychotherapy, at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of Charles University in Prague. She completed her postgraduate studies and rigorosis proceedings there. In 2015, she successfully completed the habilitation procedure in the field of kinantropology at the Faculty of Physiology and Sociology of the Masaryk University in Brno and was awarded the title of associate professor. Currently, she works as an associate professor at VŠTVS Palestra. Her main professional interests are fitness and psychological aspects of fitness, psychosomatics and psychosomatic relationships in the field of musculoskeletal system. She is a long-time lecturer of courses for instructors.

Date of publication: 30. 01. 2013

Format / pages: 167×240, 136 pages


Fitness manual for women - Other

EAN: 9788024744377

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