VemoHerb Bulgarian Tribulus 90 cps NEW
Original Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris with a guaranteed content of 60% protodioscin. With balanced natural content of prototribestin, tribestin and dioscin (synergistic furostanol saponins).
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VemoHerb Bulgarian Tribulus 90 cps NEW - Description
The original Bulgarian VemoHerb Tribulus Terrestris with a guaranteed content of 60% protodioscin (furostanol saponin) [1, 2, 3, 4, 19, 20] The product is regularly tested for the absence of hormones and prohormones in an accredited laboratory in each batch (before release for sale).
The main benefit of the original Bulgarian VemoHerb Tribulus is the high content of furostanol saponins. The content of protodioscin is standardized by a special and gentle extraction method to 60% of the total content (CAUTION - do not confuse with total saponins!). (See - Bulgarian tribulus, protodioscin and furostanol saponins).
The mentioned extraction ratio is quite ideal and guarantees maximum effectiveness. Thus, it is not only about protodioscin itself and its content, but about the overall and perfectly balanced composition of the product, which is characteristic of the genotype of the Bulgarian tribulus plant [1, 2, 3, 4, 19, 20] . Furthermore, the content of flavonoids (always below 10%) and tannins (always below 10%) is optimized.
The original Tribulus, a true guarantee of effect [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]
Not everyone knows that Tribulus Terrestris is a plant that can be found in several parts of the world, such as the USA, South America, Mexico, Spain, India, China and Bulgaria. Even less is known to the public that Bulgarian Tribulus has unique properties due to its specific content of bioactive components. The original Bulgarian Tribulus contains high concentrations of the furostanol saponin protodioscin [1]. For this reason, Bulgarian Tribulus is also several times more expensive as a raw material. Bulgarian Tribulus is also characterised by its content of other specific furostanol saponins [1].
Vemoherb Bulgarian Tribulus = everything under one roof = from the plant harvested at the right growing time, through gentle extraction to the final product with a balanced ratio of bioactive furostanol saponins.
This difference in composition is due to the different genotype of the plant, the characteristic climate, the soil composition and the harvesting period, which takes place at a precise time of the plant's growing season when the bioactive content is highest. Therefore, e.g. Chin or Indian tribulus is also different in its saponin composition and is used in TCM and Ayurveda for different purposes (urinary tract in TCM, etc.).
How do I know the original Bulgarian Tribulus?
Currently there are only two main producers in Bulgaria offering extracts with high Protodioscin content: VemoHerb Tribulus (60% Protodioscin) and Sopharma Tribestan (average 54-55% Protodioscin/Protogracillin). Vemo99 Ltd (1996) is currently one of the largest and most reputable producers of high quality extracts from the Bulgarian plant Tribulus Terrestris, with a guaranteed 60% pure Protodioscin content
The product is suitable for all individuals focused on:
1. All-round support especially for men
The main benefits of the product are:
1, You are buying 100% original
2. Genuine Bulgarian Tribulus with 60% Protodioscin content
3. Guaranteed quality, purity and effect
1. Kostova, I. & Dinchev, D. Saponins in Tribulus terrestris - Chemistry and Bioactivity
2. Wenyi Zhu, Yijie Du, Hong Meng, Yinmao Dong and Li Li - A review of traditional pharmacological uses, phytochemistry, and pharmacological activities of Tribulus terrestris
3. Milanov, S., E. Maleeva, M. Tashkov. - Tribestan effect on the concentration of some hormones in the serum of healthy subjects (1981)
4. Gauthaman, K. and Ganesan, A. - The hormonal effects of Tribulus terrestris and its role in the management of male erectile dysfunction - an evaluation using primates, rabbit and rat Phytomedicine (2008) 15: 44.
5. Justino Mameri Filho, Mauro Abi Haidar, José Maria Soares Júnior, Edmund Chada Baracat - Effects of the association of estrogen and androgen in postmenopausal women
6. Mengquan Lia Yue Guanb Jiaqi Liua Fengguo Zhaia Xiuping Zhang Lixin Guan - Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells by which Total Saponin Extracted from Tribulus Terrestris Protects Against Artherosclerosis.
7. Zhai, Fg., Li, HZ., Zhou, FB., Lin, F., Guan, LX. - Effects of saponins of Tribulus terrestris on PPAR? and NF-?B signaling pathways expression in rat brain following cerebral ischemic injury Med Recap (2015) 21: 4539.
8. Roaiah, M., El Khayat, Y., GamalEl Din, S. and Abd El Salam, M. - Pilot Study on the Effect of Botanical Medicine (Tribulus terrestris) on Serum T. Level and Erectile Function in Aging Males With Partial Androgen Deficiency (PADAM). J Sex Marital Ther. (2016) 42: 297
9. Mrinalini Kumari, Praveen Kumar and Poonam Singh - Safety Evaluation of Tribulus Terrestris on the Male Reproductive Health of Laboratory Mice
10. Pavleta Tabakova, Dr. Mitko Dimitrov, Dr. Bozihdar Tashkov (head physician), Director of studies: (Prof. Dr. s. Dokumov) - Clinical treatment with Tribestan (pharmachim) in women with climacteric syndrome
11. Akhtari, E., Raisi, F., Keshavarz, M., Hosseini, H., Sohrabvand, F., Bioos, S., Kamalinejad, M. and Ghobadi, A. - Tribulus terrestris for treatment of sexual dysfunction in women: a randomized double-blind placebo - controlled study. Daru (2014) 22: 40.
12. de Souza, K., Vale, F. and Geber, S. - Efficacy of Tribulus terrestris for the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder in postmenopausal women: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Menopause (2016) 23: 1252
13. K. Milasius, R. Dadeliene, Ju. Skernevicius - The influence of the Tribulus terrestris extract on the parameters of the functional preparadness and athletes' organism homeostasis
14. Jameel Mohd, Ansari Javed Akhtar, Ali Abuzer, Ahamad Javed, Ali M., Tamboli Ennus - Pharmacological scientific evidence for the promise of tribulus terrestris
15. Naveen Khatak & Pradeep Kumar Singh - Beneficial effect of aqueous extract of tribulus terrestris on serum glutamate pyruvic transaminase in albino rat
16. Salgado, Marques-Silva, Gonçalves, Mathias, Aguiar, Wolff - Effect of oral administration of Tribulus terrestris extract on semen quality and body fat index of infertile men
17. A. Adimoelja - Phytochemicals: modern views and breakthrough in traditional herbal management of sexual dysfunctions
18. A.W. Nasution - Effect of Tribulus terrestris treatment on impotence and libido disorders
19. Ganzera, E. Bediri., A. Khan - Determination of Steroidal Saponins in Tribulus terrestris by Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and Evaporative Light Scattering Detection, 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmaceutical Association J Pharm Sci 90:1752-1758, 2001.
20. Karimi Jashni, Malekzadeh Shiravani, Hoshmand - The effect of the Tribulus terrestris extract on spermatogenesis in the rat.
21. Saurabh Chhatre, Tanuja Nesari, Gauresh Somani, Divya Kanchan, and Sadhana Sathaye - Phytopharmacological overview of Tribulus terrestris
22. Postigo S, Lima SM, Yamada SS, dos Reis BF, da Silva GM, Aoki T. - Assessment of the Effects of Tribulus Terrestris on Sexual Function of Menopausal Women.
23. Khaleghi, S., Bakhtiari, M., Asadmobini, A. and Esmaeili, F. - Tribulus terrestris Extract Improves Human Sperm Parameters In Vitro. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. (2016) 22: 407.
24. Matina Nikolova, Georgi Penchev, Svetlana Grigorova, Dimo Penkov, Hristo Hristev, Iveta Koeva - Effect of different concentrations of tribulus terrestris dry extract on histological structure of gonads and kidneys in japanese quail
It is a dietary supplement.
VemoHerb Bulgarian Tribulus 90 cps NEW - Dosage
- The basic dose is 3 - 6 capsules per day in 3 doses of 1-2 capsules. Take with sufficient water.
- Strength sports and bodybuilding. The full daily dose is 10-15 mg per 1 kg of body weight, divided into three doses during the day.
- If your weight is, for example, 80 kg, your dose is 800 - 1200 mg per day = 4 - 6 capsules per day, that is 3 x 1-2 capsules per day.
- If your weight is for example 100 kg, your dose is 1000 - 1500 mg per day = 6 - 8 capsules per day, that is 3 x daily 2 - 3 capsules.
- We recommend a two-week break after completing the eight-week course, then we recommend repeating the whole cycle.
Table of nutritional values:
in 1 cps | in 6 cps | |
Tribuscin® - a dry standardized extract of Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris with 60% furostanol saponin, determined as protodioscin | 200 mg | 1200 mg |
VemoHerb Bulgarian Tribulus 90 cps NEW - Ingredients
In 1 capsule/ in 6 capsules: 200 mg/ 1200 mg Tribuscin® - dry standardized extract of Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris containing 60% furostanol saponin, determined as protodioscin, vegan capsule (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose), pea protein.