
Kdo by neznal tyčinky Mars, Milky Way, Bounty nebo Snickers? Vypadá to, jako by nás výrobky Mars provázely už od nepaměti. Legendární tyčinky společnosti Mars se totiž vyrábí už více, než 100 let. Firma se sídlem a v americkém McLean dokonale zaplnila prostor na trhu a její slavné čokoládové tyčinky Mars, Milky Way, Bounty a Snickers už ochutnal snad každý. V současnosti se firma orientuje i na tzv, zdravé mlsání a vyrábí také syrovátkový protein v příchuti tyčinky Mars a proteinové tyčinky, které obsahují více bílkovin a méně sacharidů i tuků než tyčinky původní. Právě vyvážené složení proteinové tyčinky, pečlivě vyrobené na bázi zdravého syrovátkového proteinu, známého jako „whey protein“, si získalo novou generaci zákazníků, vyznávajících zdravý životní styl.

Dovozce do EU: NaskorSports Trappistenweg 8, 5932 NB Tegelen, Nizozemsko

21 produktů
1k+ skladem
21 products
Price from / to
Dietary restrictions
Protein content
Weight / Volume
Snickers HiProtein Cookie 60 g chocolate peanut
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Snickers HiProtein Cookie 60 g chocolate peanut

Expiry 03. 11. 2024 Soft baked biscuit with milk or white chocolate chips,...

In stock400+ ks
Hubba Bubba BCAA Powder 320 g
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Hubba Bubba BCAA Powder 320 g

BCAAs in powder form with the flavour of the legendary Hubba Bubba gum.

In stock50+ ks
Snickers HiProtein Cookie 60 g chocolate peanut
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Snickers HiProtein Cookie 60 g chocolate peanut

A soft baked cookie with milk or white chocolate chips, caramel and chopped peanuts for...

Temporarily sold out
Mars HiProtein Mars Low Sugar 55 g
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Mars HiProtein Mars Low Sugar 55 g

MARS HiProtein Low Sugar Bar is a new bar filled with a delicious layer of nougat,...

Temporarily sold out
Mars HiProtein Cookie 60 g chocolate caramel

Mars HiProtein Cookie 60 g chocolate caramel

Soft baked chocolate biscuit with chocolate chips and caramel, full of protein.

Temporarily sold out
Hubba Bubba Protein 405 g
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Hubba Bubba Protein 405 g

A refreshing whey protein flavoured with the popular Hubba Bubba chewing gum.

Temporarily sold out
Bounty Hi Protein 455 g chocolate coconut

Bounty Hi Protein 455 g chocolate coconut

Delicious whey protein with the unmistakable taste of the world-famous Bounty bar.

Temporarily sold out
Snickers Hiprotein Low Sugar 57 g
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Snickers Hiprotein Low Sugar 57 g

Protein bar with the taste of the famous Snickers bar with significantly reduced sugar...

Temporarily sold out
Snickers Hi Protein 455 g
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Snickers Hi Protein 455 g

Whey protein drink with the flavour of the popular Snickers bar.

Temporarily sold out
Twix Hi Protein 455 g chocolate biscuit caramel

Twix Hi Protein 455 g chocolate biscuit caramel

Delicious whey protein with the unmistakable taste of the world-famous Twix bar.

Temporarily sold out
Mars Hi Protein 455 g chocolate caramel

Mars Hi Protein 455 g chocolate caramel

Whey protein drink with the flavour of the popular Mars bar.

Temporarily sold out
Maltesers Hi Protein 450 g chocolate malt

Maltesers Hi Protein 450 g chocolate malt

Delicious shake in chocolate ball flavour.

Temporarily sold out
Milky Way Hi Protein Bar 50 g

Milky Way Hi Protein Bar 50 g

Milky Way is a protein bar with 15 g of protein, with significantly reduced...

Temporarily sold out
Bounty HiProtein 52 g

Bounty HiProtein 52 g

The Bounty HiProtein Protein Bar is a delicious coconut bar with high protein and...

Temporarily sold out
Twix Hi Protein 875 g chocolate biscuit caramel

Twix Hi Protein 875 g chocolate biscuit caramel

Delicious whey protein with the unmistakable taste of the world-famous Twix bar.

Temporarily sold out
Bounty Hi Protein 875 g chocolate coconut

Bounty Hi Protein 875 g chocolate coconut

Delicious whey protein with the unmistakable taste of the world-famous Bounty bar.

Temporarily sold out
Mars Hi Protein 875 g chocolate caramel

Mars Hi Protein 875 g chocolate caramel

Whey protein drink with the flavour of the popular Mars bar.

Temporarily sold out
Snickers Hi Protein 875 g
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Snickers Hi Protein 875 g

Whey protein drink with the flavour of the popular Snickers bar.

Temporarily sold out

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