Acra Suspension straps - multifunctional booster

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Brand: Acra
Product code: 02744

Multifunctional weight machine for exercising the whole body with its own weight.

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Acra Suspension straps - multifunctional booster - Product description

Hanging fitness straps are a multifunctional fitness tool used for fitness exercises and intensive strengthening using your own body weight as well as for various balance exercises using, for example, a Bosu ball or a massage balance cushion.

The system consists of straps (with the possibility of easy adjustment of 4 different lengths using buckles), which can be easily attached to a tree or other support point, or temporarily to a door - using a carabiner anchored either directly in the door or in the first eye of the strap, so that the clamping is secured by a double strap.

Caution, when practicing, try to avoid moving the handles from one side to the other, there is a risk of damaging the strap by rubbing against the strap hinge!!! Exercise with these straps is static, not dynamic.

  • high efficiency
  • minimal dimensions
  • low purchase costs
  • simple and effective strengthening system using own body weight
  • quality straps
  • load capacity 150 kilograms
  • strap ends with soft grips
  • easy and quick installation anywhere
  • to strengthen and stretch the whole body with own weight
  • length of straps 150 cm
  • length of straps including clamping carabiner 180 cm

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