Exercises for a healthy back - anatomy

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Brand: CPress
Product code: 07127

Does your back hurt? Maybe these easy-to-follow exercises will solve it! A complete program for preventing problems and improving back health that includes both instructions for proper posture and strengthening the entire body, but most importantly, exercises that help stretch, strengthen and tone the back muscles - from the head to the tailbone.

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Exercises for a healthy back - anatomy - Description

The book is divided into chapters according to the individual parts of the back to be exercised. Each exercise contains easy-to-understand instructions accompanied by colour photographs and anatomical illustrations highlighting the muscles you are strengthening with the movement. This allows you to choose the most suitable exercises for yourself. For each exercise, you will also learn which part of the back it is most useful for, as well as what to avoid to prevent undue strain or injury. In addition, you will find lighter or heavier variations of some exercises.

Author Dr. Philip Striano is a sports physician and strength and conditioning specialist.

Genre: alternative medicine, sports and fitness, health for everyone, healthy lifestyle
Release Date: 02/15/2017
Edition: Anatomy - An Illustrated Guide
Format: 170 x 243 mm bound with laminated cover
For readers aged: 14 yearsand up
Language: english

Exercises for a healthy back - anatomy - Other

EAN: 9788026413912

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