Exercises for your pain

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Brand: Grada
Product code: 00582

Exercises for your pain - fast and effective relief.

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Exercises for your pain - Description

Does your back hurt from sitting at the computer or standing at work? Do you have pain after an injury or pulled muscles from exercise, headaches, neck, spine, legs, shoulders, etc.? Don't despair and work out with us under the supervision of the renowned Czech author and rehabilitation and sports doctor Kamil Ramík, MD. He will teach you simple exercises that are based on modern techniques of contemporary rehabilitation, are very effective and bring quick relief from pain. A clear and concise description of the exercises is accompanied by photographs documenting the correct execution of the exercises and points out common mistakes during the exercises. Say goodbye to pain and take time for your body!

Release date: 29/05/2008

Format / pages: 144×207, 96 pages


Exercises for your pain - Other

EAN: 9788024723914

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