Don't take the food so seriously II
Do you feel like you deserve some sort of punishment for every gram of sugar you don't deny yourself? Try looking at food a little differently!
Don't take the food so seriously II - Description
You deserve to eat normally!
Do you feel like you deserve a punishment for every gram of sugar you don't deny yourself? Try looking at food a little differently! There is no such thing as a bad diet - it's always just food that should make you happy and give you energy. Týna Skalická, nutrition coach and founder of the Instagram project @tojidlo, will show you how to really enjoy food and its preparation.
It is possible to eat healthy and nutritiously without cramping and questionable diets! This guide is a free sequel to the already published book Don't Take Food So Seriously.
About the author:
Týna Skalická
Don't take food so seriously, it's just food - this is the main motto of the popular Instagram project @tojidlo, which is the brainchild of nutrition coach Týna Skalická. The author has been fully dedicated to fitness and healthy lifestyle since her studies and promotes a "normal" approach to eating in a novel and fun way. What do you mean by that? You can read it not only in her books. The @tojidlo project was created to settle the tangle of available and often distorted information about nutrition on the Internet, to bring a bit of hyperbole and common sense into following a healthy lifestyle and to help people start eating normally.
232 pages
Publication date: 29.09.2022
Format: 167 x 225 mm
Binding: paperback