Prom-In Sleep Help 60 cps

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Brand: PROM-IN
Product code: V14617 VÝPRODEJ

Expiry date 29.11.2024

A unique product combining active ingredients to ensure optimal relaxation by supporting key neurotransmitters.

Full description

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Prom-In Sleep Help 60 cps - Product description

A dietary supplement in capsules that, thanks to its functional ingredients, promotes relaxation and helps with stress. Valerian has a positive effect on relaxation and stress levels. Valerian contributes to the control of blood pressure.

Sleep Help has mild sedative effects and allows you to fall asleep faster. Thanks to the product's unique ingredients in sufficient doses, the production of key neurotransmitters will be optimised, so you will wake up less often at night and wake up refreshed in the morning. Valerian reduces the breakdown of GABA in the brain and naturally increases its concentration, helping to promote quality sleep.


It is an amino acid found mainly in tea leaves. This amino acid increases levels of GABA and other calming brain chemicals such as serotonin or dopamine, while decreasing levels of brain chemicals that are associated with stress and anxiety. Here, the positive effect of L-theanine on brain cells that may protect against stress and age-related damage is discussed.

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)

Contains valerenic acid, which may also affect GABA receptors in the brain. This makes it a direct synergist for L-Theanine and will further promote relaxation effects. At the same time, it has a positive effect on a healthy cardiovascular system and optimizes blood pressure.

Sour cherry extract (Prunus cerasus)

This is a natural source of minerals. Especially copper, manganese, and magnesium, important for sleep. Of the vitamins, it offers mainly vitamin C, and vitamin B6, which is crucial for sleep. It is a natural source of melatonin, so it supports the overall quality of sleep without interfering with its own melatonin production. Cherry also helps with bleeding disorders, is anti-inflammatory and effective in reducing uric acid levels.

It is a dietary supplement.

Prom-In Sleep Help 60 cps - Dosage

  • Take 4 capsules in the evening about 30 minutes before bedtime
  • with plenty of water.

Take effectively

For long-term sleep support, we suggest taking 2 capsules about 30-60 minutes before going to bed. During periods of increased mental stress and strain, the dose can be increased up to 4 capsules. Sleep Help can be combined very effectively with magnesium containing products.

Prom-In Sleep Help 60 cps - Values

4 cps
Dried cherry juice (Prunus cerasus)1200 mg
Valerian extract (Valeriana officinalis)500 mg
L-theanine500 mg
Total weight of contents in 1 package of product in g: 42

Prom-In Sleep Help 60 cps - Ingredients

Dried cherry juice (Prunus cerasus), valerian extract (Valeriana officinalis), L-theanine, vegetable capsule (HPMC), anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate.

Prom-In Sleep Help 60 cps - Notice

Not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed recommended daily dosage. Store dry at temperatures up to 25 °C and protect from direct sunlight and frost. Ensure that the container is well sealed. The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by improper use or storage. The product is not a substitute for a varied diet.

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